Hello and well met!

I am a multimedia artist and public school arts educator living and working on the lands of the Wašišiw and Numu peoples. I am the descendent of mountain, river valley, & coastal peoples from the North and West of Europe. I feel deeply grateful to have been born and raised in the shadow of the Sierra Nevada Alps.

My visual artwork has been shown in Southern and Northern Nevada, California, and Viterbo, Italy, where I studied painting and sculpture under Federico Paris. I hold a B.A. in Art & English Literature and a Masters in  Secondary Education from the University of Nevada, Reno. 

My literary artwork has been featured in a number of Great Basin & online publications, including The Brushfire & Montag Literary Arts Journals.

My first passion is re-evolution, my second is literacy education, and my third is mark-making.

At this time in my life, I am devoted to envisioning and weaving a future of ecosystemic synchronicity and health.  I do this from an animist perspective; the work I do and the materials I work with are parts of the whole living web of life.

I offer customized talismanic art objects through my web shop, opening in the Summer of 2025. 

Please contact me directly to talk about planning an exchange or meet up, or about purchasing visual art prints or originals with time, cash, services, trades, or Venmo or Paypal payments. 

Thank you for stopping by my corner of the World Wide Web. Godsspeed on your journey. May you be happy. May you be free from harm. May peace and harmony walk with you.